A merit badge counselor serves as both a teacher and a mentor as Scouts work on a merit badge. In one way, they are an examiner. In a larger sense, the counselor uses this opportunity for coaching, helping Scouts overcome the hurdles of the different requirements and making Scouts aware of the deeper aspects of the subject from their knowledge and experience. Because of these unique opportunities to serve Scouts, volunteering as a merit badge counselor is one of the most gratifying experiences for many adults in Scouting today.
Steps to becoming a Merit Badge Counselor:
In order to become a registered Merit Badge Counselor, each adult must complete the following:
1: Decide which merit badges you want to counsel. You can choose 1 or multiple badges, depending upon your skill set, life experiences and time. Visit the BSA Merit Badge Hub to learn about the Merit Badges offered.
2: Sign the Merit Badge counselor information form. List the merit badges you wish to be a counselor for. You can choose to be counselor only to Scouts of a particular troop or for Scouts from any troop.
3: Sign the BSA Adult Application. Under the Scouting Position Code field, enter “42”
4: Sign the Background Check form — (see last page of Adult Application)
5: Complete BSA Youth Protection Training (YPT). Create Account on my.scouting.org. Click on YPT on upper right of screen. Take the online training (~70 minutes). Print a screen shot of your YPT Certificate when completed.
6: Complete Merit Badge Counselor Position Specific Training. Log into my.scouting.org, click on Menu on upper left of screen, click on Scouts BSA in Training Courses by Program and then click on Catalog and search for Merit Badge Counselor. Print a screen shot when training is completed.
For an existing Troop Committee Member registered adult, there is no fee.
For non registered adults, the merit badge counselor fee is $25.
If planing to register as a troop committee member prior to or at the same time as becoming a counselor, do not pay the additional $25 merit badge counselor fee. Register as an adult committee member first and pay the adult registration fee. The fee is prorated and will vary depending upon which month you register. Click here to see the 2023 BSA Registration Fee Schedule.
Submit signed paperwork and fee to:
TBD. Speak to your troops Scoutmaster or Advancement Chair for more information.
For more information about Merit Badge Counseling, check out these resources:
Visit the BSA Merit Badge Hub
Read the pamphlet: A Guide To Merit Badge Counseling